Friday, January 23, 2009

New Furniture!!!

Lauren and I recently bought some new furniture for the pad. Check it out.

The place is finally starting to come together, only took a year and two months. But furniture is pricey.

Also headed out to Ikea for a bookshelf. The old couch from upstairs went into the little den/office we have downstairs. Couple that with the new bookshelf it's getting quite cozy down there.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Monday, November 10, 2008

Shelf Hunged

I wanted to build a shelf for books in our place. After looking at a variety of book shelves and various other storage structures, I decided the coolest and most visually interesting thing to do was hang a hunk of wood. But finding a hunk of wood is harder than you may think. See I wanted something that still had bark on it, or the exterior of a tree. I asked a contractor I knew of any places in the area, he gave me the name of a lumber place in Wisconsin. Here's what I got.

And here's the wall where it's going to live.

After I got the wood home it was time to clear coat and seal it. This was the tedious part, four days of sanding, clear coating and repeating. Fortunately the lumber place was able to get a lot of the work done, they hand a huge machine that sanded it down to 80 grid. From there I went to 120, 220, 320 grid. Applying a coat of clear coat after sanding.

Sanding and clear coating complete it was time to hang. I had help. At first we thought it would be ok to mount it with screws, but that plan was quickly scraped. The wood weighs nearly 80lbs. So we affixed brackets to the wall and two the wood. Here's how it looks.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My Michael Ian Black

Seriously, am I the only person that finds this guy funny? Stella was amazing. His stand up comedy album was amazing and now his book is amazing.

What is it? Well it's basically a collection of 3 page essays. One is entitled Taco Party, it goes on to describe how amazing his Taco Party is going to be. And let me tell you it sounds like one awesome Taco Party. Another shares the title of the book. Describing how amazingly kick ass a custom van could be.

Due to the short length of chapters this book is perfect for a lot of things. Especially things that take 10 to 15 minutes. That's right I'm talking about commuting to work.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lately I can't stop looking at pictures of the Mercedes Benz E63 Wagon. It's so unassuming. Imagine pulling up to just about any sports car out there and being able to blow them away. With 509 hp this car can do just that.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ferrell back!

Recently saw Step Brothers. Glad to say that the John C. Reilly, Will Ferrell comedy was amazing. Back to Anchorman territory, which is mindless stupidity. I'm always a sucker for that.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Am I the only person that sees a similarity?