Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Space is dirty and cluttered with hookers.

Over the past week I've done something important with my life. I started a profile on myspace. Rememeber myspace? It used to be called Friendster. Why would I do myspace, for that matter why would I do a blog? Because I'm important, and what I say matters. That's why, and if you have a problem with it please don't tell me cause I'm very sensitive and you'll make me very sad.

The real reason, not to sound all self important, is because in advertising it's vital that you understand all forms of communication out there. Blogs, and myspace are two such forms of communication (there's probably a million more I haven't discovered). Basically I want to find another way to have corporate America sneek into your life. This is why I started doing myspace. To understand a bit more on how it works and how I can reach people on myspace if I was a corporate entity. I do the blog cause god damn it I'm pretty interesting.

So back to myspace. Here's what I discovered. It's just like friendster. Except there's a little more room for customization. You can enter basic html programming and make the site yours. I haven't done this. html could mean hello tv my love for all I know. Nope, my site is basic, simple, bare bones. I have my mug up there and then a picture of my deceased dog Elke. Then there's this little column about who you are. So I entered some of my likes and dislikes. It's funny to see other peoples. Most people are really dumb. But not me, my like's and about me's are the best. Once all the likes and dislikes are done you get to the fun part. Searching for friends.

During this search you just type in people's names, boom they show up. Then you add them. I have about 30 or so friends. That's nothing. Some people, depending on how big their boobs are have upwards of 5000 friends. Right now Wilco, and Henry Rollins are my friends. I don't know if it's really them or not. But they're my friends. Henry and I are going out for some cyber cocktails later in the week.

Here's what I don't like about myspace. YOu're bombarded with emails from all these self serving bands who think they're the shit and want you to add them to your friend list. Don't think so NINTH. Yeah these fuckers from Finland want to be my friend. I don't know you Bjorn and I don't like your band so go away. Plus some people think it's awesome to have a song play on their myspace page. I HATE THIS. If you're a band cool. But seriously I don't want to hear your favorite song play when I see what you're up to. NO more songs. It's so annoying. So people even have a song, and a video. Time out person. Song audio, video audio don't mix.

So that's myspace in a nutshell. Nice way to keep in touch with buddies. Maybe even get a date, but annoying in that you have to listen to people's horrible music every time you go their site.

As far as the advertising ramifications, well I can see some benefit, but nothing really that great could come of it. Maybe just keep awareness going. Make someone feel better about a brand they're loyal to.

If you're lonely and need a friend visit myspace.


Blogger Stephen said...

what about the hooker? I just read that whole post and no hooker talk.

Isn't myspace for perverts, high school girls, dudes in dorm rooms, and people with identity issues?

9:57 AM  
Blogger laughjon said...

Yeah, oops. Hookers are those stupid bands that try to get you to add you as friends. They're selling themeselves on myspace as a way to get more of a following. Whores.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Gonorrhea and Syphilis to become MySpace friends. Speaking of, that's genius.

4:21 PM  
Blogger laughjon said...

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10:14 PM  

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