Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Honey I'm Going to Blow Chunks

Dr. Hark will tell you what's beautiful

"In each family, the children’s eating habits have spiraled out of control into a diet of nonstop junk food – sugar, snacks, processed food– and huge, oversized portions. Coupled with a lack of exercise and sleep, this lifestyle means the kids are not only hyper and unruly, they are at serious risk of becoming overweight and developing high-blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease."

Herein lies the premise of the newest travesty brought upon the American public. Honey We're Killing the Kids is the newest cold blooded, guilt causing show that's polluting cable. Not only does this show teach bad things, it reinforces these bad things with the American perception of beauty.

The show finds kids with bad eating habits, and fat parents. Then using the wonders of fake technology shows these little kids what they'd look like if they continue down the poor eating habit road. BUT then with a little work, a little exercise, and if you stop eating twinkies you could look like this. A good looking, skinny person. Imagine as a little kid seeing this. It would just really effect you.

This show is garbage. It takes America's beauty complex and uses it to manipulate little kids. Maybe the over weight person is beautiful. I don't need you, TLC, to tell me what is beauty and what isn't. And to take little children down, that just makes me want to blow chunks.


Blogger Stephen said...

Amen. I'll watch extreme makeover any day. As for that show haven't these kids heard of lipo, gastro-bypass, and plastic surgery? Keep eating twinkies, they taste good. [sarcasm alert]

Was that TLC show sponsored by McD's?

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not have the best of both worlds? Eat the twinkie, then blow chunks.

That's not cool. But we should realize that beauty is not skinny. It is hair, lips, a nice, clean complexion, white teeth, chistled features, good breath, curves, breast size, eye brow hairy-ness, ear wax build up, or lack thereof, height, and fashion sense.

I don't need no TLC to teach me that.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

pat is right. a person without hair and lips would look very not beautiful.

jon, are you saying that these kids should be ok with being obese (i haven't seen it, or ads for it, i'm assuming that's what this is about) if that's beauty for them?
or am i willfully misunderstanding you?

9:36 PM  
Blogger laughjon said...

I'm just saying TLC shouldn't use the American perception of beauty/ugliness to teach kids good eating habits.

Scare tactics rarely work.

2:20 PM  

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