Monday, July 10, 2006

I lika de football.

Congrats to Italy on winning the world cup. Not a very compelling team in my opinion. If this world cup was a heavy weight fight Italy was the fighter that looked like crap, got the most bruises, but still found some way to win. You never want to see a game go to penalty kicks but this one did. Strange way to lose, but even stranger was the ejection of the greatest player of the last 10 years, Zidane. Here is what happened.

Even stranger still is that this event is probably going to be more memorable then the outcome of the game itself. This is the iconic type of thing that can only happen at the world cup. Zidane's meltdown will forever be mentioned with the 'Hand of God' and Baggio's missed penalty kick. Losing his cool meant France lost the game. But it also means Zidane will live on forever. Cause long after he is dead his action will be discussed. Dirty, yes. But so captivating.


Blogger Stephen said...

Great blog topic and no major complaining. I likey. Did you happen to notice the Italian coach had little Italy flags on the side of his glasses? I think you should get a pair with the French flag. Also, did you also come to feel Buffon looks somewhat like Todd Norem? I wonder what FIFA will do if it comes true Zidane was called a terriorist and that's what set him off. Then again, be a professional.

8:27 PM  

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